Monday, June 2, 2014

Free Printable Book Labels

Hi peeps! It's the first Monday for the month of June. Summer vacation is officially over! Time flies! Well, actually time goes even faster when you’re a mom! Agree? :) Is everyone excited to send their kids to school? Well, I still have another week until my son is officially back in kindergarten. But I'm sure moms of younger kids like me are excited too, for it gives mommy a little break from "kakulitan" (naughtiness) around the house while they’re in school, lol.

To help ease the "back to school fears, and tears!" of kids, let me share with you some awesome free printable labels I found online, for books, lunch bags, notebooks and everything else. I'm sure your child will be excited to show them to their classmates and teachers. Let’s make it fun and exciting for them! (just click on the link below the photo to download it from the website).




             Pretty cool right? Thanks to the creative people who made them!
             Feel free to share it with your friends and family
             I'll post some more cute printables here for your kiddos
             Have a great new school year to y'all! :)


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and share it with your family and friends. THANKS! =) 


  1. Indeed, these are cute and very colorful book labels. I think it's not only for kids...but also for the kid-at-heart. :-)

  2. These are nice looking . I remembered downloading similar stuff for my scrapbook years back and had a kick on designing the pages.

  3. Oooh, these are really cute designs. I just might use some of them. I'm currently still organizing my kids' school stuff.

  4. Cute! This brings back my elementary days when all my notebooks were labeled and covered with character designs. And it's good that they're now free!

  5. Wow ang ccute naman. I made one for Matt, McQueen Car theme. Kaso pangit ang printer ko. DI bale next year sure na meron na kong bagong printer, hehe.

    Mommy Maye

  6. the printable labels are so cute and adorable. I surely make one soon for my kindergarten.:) Thanks for sharing, Sis:)

  7. My daughter is now going to school - K2. If I had seen these printables before the school started, I could have printed some. They are so cute.

  8. Nice post !! i am looking for this kind of post from last many days thanks for share it with us. Read our blog for : School sticker
